7 november 2022 op weg naar Cadiz
De Via Augusta is de verbindingsroute van de Middellandse Zee van Cadiz naar Sevilla, als aansluiting op de Via de la Plata. Morgen gaan we starten en hopen op 16 november aan te komen.

We zijn vlnr Frances, Marjo, Annemieke, Janny, Mieke en Monica

We hebben er zin in! Toetje van de zomer……
Beschrijving Via Augusta: A new route, created by the Asociación de Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Sevilla, which starts on the coast and links up with the Vía de la Plata in Sevilla. The Sevilla Amigos have not only devised the camino, but also painted the waymarks and produced a guide, similar in style to their excellent guide to the Vía de la Plata.
The Route: This 173 km camino is probably the flattest of all caminos. Initially coastal, it then goes northeast to the sherry town of Jerez de la Frontera. For a while it follows a track near the A4 motorway before skirting Lebrija and running alongside irrigation canals across the plains of the Guadalquivir. It pauses in the attractive town of Utrera and then heads northwest to the city of Sevilla.
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